Browse The Top Depression Memes

Results: 840


depression-memes depression text: 7:06 q Yup I told you ..11 LTE Mom I don


depression-memes depression text: @Maddierawrk My brother died from depression. He also frequently exercised, had supportive friends/family, was successful in school & in work. He had goals that he was constantly reaching- he still killed himself. People who are depressed are not weak minded- they are sick. Understand this.  depression


depression memes Depression, Wow, Turing, TM, Priest, God  May 2020 Depression, Wow, Turing, TM, Priest, God


depression memes Depression, Stacy, Ogre, Chad text: sexuality is so dumb why does it even matter who you like no one is gonna like you back anyways 8,536 notes  Depression, Stacy, Ogre, Chad


depression memes Depression, PS2, Xbox, Lynx, ZX Spectrum, SNES text: unvote it youve had at least one of these g • Crippling depression  Depression, PS2, Xbox, Lynx, ZX Spectrum, SNES


depression-memes depression text: An azing —pe whom fallen in Biov My oring rsonality My ddictio s e fact that she serves My ugly & Ma-ce y depression vanxie  depression


depression memes Depression,  text: Bob Vulfov @bobvulfov [concert] SINGER: hows everyone doin tonight CROWD: woo ME (from the back in a normal speaking voice): it


depression memes Depression, Birthday, Happy, Happy Birthday, July, APPY BIRTHDAY text: fivu  Depression, Birthday, Happy, Happy Birthday, July, APPY BIRTHDAY